Sunday, April 17, 2011

Images & References

Andrews, B.,(2004). Curriculum renewal through policy development in arts education. Research Studies in Music Education, 23, 76-88. doi:10.1177/1321103X040230011001

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Burton, J., (2009). Barbara Kruger. Artforum 47(10), 333.

Kahl, W. (1973). Conceptual approach to art curriculum planning K-12. Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin State Department of Public Instruction.

Leuthold, S. (1999).Conceptual art, conceptualism, and aesthetic education. Journal of Aesthetic Education 33(1), 37-47.

Marcel Duchamp, fountain, 1917; modern art explained. (2009, March 24). The Times (London). Retrieved from

New York Times News Service. (2006, January 7).Artist takes aim at Duchamp’s urinal. The Hamilton Spectator. Retrieved from

Nickerson-Crowe, K., (2005). An arts-based approach to conceptual educational practice. Canadian Journal of Education 28(3), 534.

Openshaw, K. & Strasser, B. (1967). A conceptual model of instruction. Journal of Teacher Education, 18, 63-74. doi:10.1177/002248716701800112

Schwan, G. (2000, July 16). ‘Conceptual’ is art to some, bunk to others. Palm Beach Post (Florida). Retrieved from

Smith, R. (1999, April 25).Conceptual art: Over, and yet everywhere. Palm Beach Post (Florida). Retrieved from

Smith, R. (1994, March 18).Art in review. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Smith, R. S. (2005, November 19).Conceptual art packs critical punch. The Star Phoenix. Retrieved from

The Arts In Every Classroom-Arts Integrations. (n.d.). Comprehensive Arts Education. Retrieved from

Marcel Duchamp
'Fountain' 1917

Barbara Kruger
'Face It!' 2007

1 comment:

  1. This is a great statement, "However, it is still important for educators to teach the value of theory to students."

    When discussing Sol LeWitt we had students take sides and debate which was more important the object or the idea. It was a really great conversation.

    We also had students come up with a set of instructions for a work or art that was to be completed by someone else.
