Sunday, April 17, 2011


Conceptual art has is often deemed as controversial and even become the result of vandalism. However, this has not discouraged artists such as Kruger or Duchamp to displace their beliefs in order to create their work. It is important that we as educators use this approach to encourage our students to express themselves within their artwork. When we take a step back and look at the overall project without strict restrictions, it encourages a more intimate approach to artwork by including several aspects of their personal lives. As educators, it is our responsibilities to not only teach the important of 'how to' in art but to focus on the theories and philosophies of expressionism as well.


  1. Interesting viewpoints, I know the importance of the imagery in Kruger and Duchamp's work, but I have a hard time connecting them to each other. These conceptual ideas are the hardest to explain to my art history students. I always have to go back and explain the context. I remind them that if you were walking down the street and passed a larger than life muscular nude sculpture, you would be shocked. Whereas, classical Greece holds different values and saw this as beautiful. Then we get into what those values and expectations were. It is harder to sell the aesthetics of Duchamp for sure, but they always love his collages and paintings. It helps them to believe he is a "real artist." Good job, you took the hard one for sure.

  2. Conceptual art was the secondary art method in my high school. So, we were graded on the conceptual aspects of our art. I think that was a 60s and 70s thing. I even found the state art curriculum from the 70s from the State of Wisconsin that was based on a conceptual method. Surely not that popular today. Watch for typos--Guerrilla not Gorilla. Other than that, nice job. As Will indicates, this one is much more difficult to find info about and talk about.

  3. I will be the first to admit that conceptual art makes my head hurt. I agree that it is difficult to talk about. I often feel like I'm just rambling with no real coherency. It's yet another subject I'm not sure I can effectively teach. However, I do agree that self expression in art should be taught.

  4. Will, I love Duchamp. Brilliant!
